Agile Estimations: Understanding and Mitigating Basies

Estimations are a cornerstone of Agile project management, offering teams a means to forecast effort, set expectations, and make informed decisions. However, the accuracy of these estimations can be significantly influenced by various cognitive biases. Understanding these biases and their impact is crucial for any team striving to improve their estimation practices and overall project […]

What is Evidence-Based Management and how can I leverage it in Scrum Projects

Evidence-Based Management (EMB) “is an empirical approach that helps organizations to continuously improve customer outcomes, organizational capabilities, and business results under conditions of uncertainty“, according to the EBM Guide, a framework for delivering value through strategic goals through intentional experimentation and evidence (measures) in order to improve organizational performance over time. Goals Through a series […]

Increase Participation from your Scrum Team with Round Robin, Quiet Writing, and Free-for-All

As a scrum advocate, you embrace the agile framework of collaboration, communication, and feedback among team members. However, experience has taught the seasoned observers that not all team members may feel comfortable or motivated to participate in Scrum events, such as Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective. You would notice in your […]

Write Better User Stories with INVEST

Good developers realize the strength and resilience of well-decoupled, clearly- written code components, powered by a strong development framework in building successful software. It is no different for product owners authoring effective user stories that are clearly articulated and actionable. In this article, we will explore a framework called INVEST that helps craft more meaningful […]

Embracing the Agile manifesto

Something as a practicing program manager I tend to always use as tenets when guiding teams, is relying on the spiritual bible of contemporary project management, and that’s the Agile Manifesto. Products of the Agile Alliance, the premise of the Manifesto is to simplify the practice of project management through a lightweight framework to build software expeditiously with bias for customer validation over processes and documentation and red tape.

The two drivers behind the manifesto are iterative and incremental development, over pre-medicated and over planning, and creating higher quality software in shorter time, or more concisely, build more with less.

The one thing agile teams miss when WFM: Osmotic Learning

Overwhelmingly, tech companies have transitioned their sprint iterations from co-location to having teams work remotely, from home. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced teams to change how they interact with each other, perform agile rituals and deliver products. 

One thing that is missing, is osmotic communications, learning through accidentally overhearing.